Delta Industrieweg 17, 3251 LX Stellendam
+31(0)187 497511

Avis public Black Tiger Shrimps HOSO 6×2 India

Avis public Black Tiger Shrimps HOSO 6×2 India

Public Warning
Black Tiger Shrimps HOSO 6×2 India
Reference nrs : TIC4422AF / TIC4484AF / TIC4513AF – ABAD Brand
(Imported & distributed by: Ticasa BV, Delta Industrieweg 17, 3251LX Stellendam, Netherlands

Sodium metabisulfite (E223) is present in the above-mentioned Black Tiger Head On Shrimps.
For the reference TIC4513AF the content is even above maximum level. This is not stated in the
Ingredients/Allergens. You are kindly requested not to consume this product again.
When consumed, sulfite can be harmfull for consumers with allergies.
We kindly request that you return this product to the store/wholesaler where you purchased it.
You will then receive the purchase amount back.
We would like to thank you for your cooperation and offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

TICASA BV- Delta Industrieweg 17 – 3251LX Stellendam – The Netherlands –